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About Suzanne Eccher LMT, Practitioner, Mentor, Teacher, Author

Suzanne has been active in the massage industry since 1995 when she graduated from the Boulder School of Massage Therapy in Boulder, Colorado. She is the creator of Massage Practice Building and co-creator of New Business Dimensions. Her education courses provide her students with a solid foundation of getting clients and marketing their business. Suzanne has a strong business background starting with creating programs at two community hospitals, building her practice and discovering leadership in multiple business community platforms. Her experience of choosing grit over surrendering to circumstance really has shown her anything is possible if you want it badly enough. She has been a prenatal and postpartum care therapist, inside and outside the hospital setting, an orthopedic massage therapist, healing touch practitioner, and event massage therapist.
She teaches small business owners not only in the massage industry but in other industries how to get clients, create multiple income streams, learn collaboration techniques and treatment-based programs. She has been a speaker for 2 Colorado based conferences, has coordinated 3 live conferences for massage therapists and other business professionals and has mentored hundreds of practitioners and business owners throughout her career. She is a member of AMTA, and NCBTMB Approved Provider and author of the book Seriously and Fearlessly How To Thrive In The Massage Therapy Business and co-authored The 90 Day Success Express For Massage Therapists. Suzanne has consulted for massage schools and book companies reviewing business content and education.
In her career Suzanne found multiple trainings provide the opportunity to create a therapist’s style. She believes there is no perfection, sometimes we are on target and sometimes we are not, however looking at our career as a journey and not a race is by far the best way to stay the course. We are simply facilitators that help the body heal itself. She encourages her students to learn by doing instead of by not doing. Opportunities are everywhere and relieving oneself from the fear of trying is big part of the journey. Her mantra is to be good you need to start, but you need to start to be good! She believes all therapists can create whatever they want in their career based upon who they are and use their gifts and talents collectively and creatively for the highest success and highest good for others. Bringing the practitioner and small business owner into the ownership of and leadership in their business allows for the best care for their clients. Her goal is to help her students at any level make the income they desire and help the industry have a massage therapist owned industry and not one owned solely by entrepreneurs with deep pockets.
Suzanne’s Personal Message: The sky’s the limit and you have the skills to build whatever you desire as a practitioner and practice owner. Create the lifestyle you desire and help people at the same time. We are lucky as practitioners to wear one or as many hats as we want to and really enjoy the work at the same time, always keeping us in healing energy and alignment. Your leadership in yourself is your intuition. My favorite truth statement is: “Be present, be still, listen for yourself and for others”.
I have two grown daughters, I enjoy spending time in nature in the Colorado mountains and national parks, long distance motorcycling, and make time to serve the quiet reflective version of myself in journaling, reading, writing and gardening.
Contact: Suzanne@MassagePracticeBuilding.com / 303-898-8375 / www.massagepracticebuilding.com
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